
Bb-Assignment 8

Now read What is Language Awareness. To round off this chapter, describe the relevance of Language Awareness for you as a teacher. (200-300 words)
This is a very good question, and I think I just know how to answer it. As a teacher I will not just teach my pupils what the meaning of words are and how to write the sentences down… I will try and teach them more than that. My pupils have to be aware of the language itself. They have to control focal awareness. This is a very important matter since this is something that not so many people are aware of. What I do notice about other people, and of course, sometimes about myself, is that we translate words/sentences directly from L1 to L2. The reason why we should NOT do this is because people might understand us on a totally different way which may lead to conflicts or any other misunderstandings.
When I teach my pupils, I will concentrate on sentence construction and on the meanings of words. I will create assignments and let them all participate actively in order to improve their skills. Conversations and translation assignments should do the trick. By implenting the language by using it more often in class, the students will get used to it and will hopefully be more aware of it. They will need this skill in the future in order to get on with work, for example, as a marketing manager for a multinational company. This particular job needs an excellent control over a language in order to be understood correctly by anyone.
I hope I will manage to be able to teach that to my future pupils in order to let them avoid any problems in the future, since that is my job as a teacher.