
Bb-Assignment 7

Assignments 5 and 6 might have given you some difficulty answering. It is strange to find that it takes time to think about what language you think in, isn’t it? According to some scientists, a kind of super language exists, a language that is bigger than the language systems as they are taught in schools. Read Dream Language (find it under “Course Documents” and open it in a new window (use you right hand mouse click for this)). Compare the content with your answer to the previous question. What do you think?
This is actually funny, the article states almost everything I have told. In the article, this is mentioned: “Dreaming allows extralinguistic thinking, thinking that extends beyond the bounds of language, with fewer constraints than most waking thought. Dreams are extralinguistic in that they can create objects for which we have no name, and they can also create new metaphors or extend and combine familiar metaphors in new ways. For Blechner the essence of the dream is "meaning without communicability". Dreams "speak their own language, which is designed to be meaningful without necessarily being communicative."
That is exactly what I experience, I experience my own language in my dreams which is not describable on paper. Well, the only thing I can say about it is that I just recognize things by body langauge in my dreams.