
Bb-Assignment 1

If you can speak three languages you're trilingual. If you can speak two languages you're bilingual. If you can speak only one language you're an American. ~Author Unknown
I like this one because it shows the stereotype of Americans. Of course, most of them are ignorant and do try to force their own language onto others, but many of them know several languages as well. Migrated people
It is known that Americans expect everyone to speak English. When they go to Europe, Africa or Asian countries, they just keep talking to them and try not to understand that the other parties do not or might know the English Language. But in America itself, a lot of people can be found t hat speak several languages.
As mentioned before, people that have migrated to America usually keep speaking their own language. Hispanic people for example, they form a large group in the Americas. Spanish is even the second largest language in America. There are also a lot of Chinese and Arabic speaking people. See? Not all Americans know one language.
Learn a new language and get a new soul. ~Czech Proverb
Whenever you go to a foreign country and you live there for some time, you notice that you can communicate much better when you know the language instead of just using body language or whatsoever. When you go live in a strange place, you simply begin a new life, but if you do not know how to communicate at all, you are simply not born yet. When you finally know the tongue of that place, you can communicate easily with the local people and simply begin a true new life! And a new true life means having a new soul!

When you communicate with people on a proper way, a lot of opportunities are opened for you. Life will be much easier and you will get to know a lot more people. For example, in the Netherlands, social life will be much easier when you know how to communicate with the local people in their local language. You will also get more respect when you speak it fluently instead of just making a lot of mistakes. In this case, just speak English and you will get the same respect as the Dutch.