
Bb-Assignment 4

Where does language come from? Developmentally, dialogue comes before monologue, both for the human species, and for the human individual. Explain, including possible consequences for L2 teaching.

Language was created ages ago. There were several langauges amongst the multiple tribes that have existed during the acient times. Slowly, some language became instict, some new language were created and some were combined or were updated.

Currently, there are hundreds of languages all over the world. Many of them are related to each other and some not at all. French, Spanish and Italian are all descendants of Latin. Somehow, English is a part of it as well. There are also Germanic languages such as Dutch, German and Swedish.

When learning a L2 language, and it belongs to the same “root” of the mother tongue, it will become a lot easier to learn that language since the vocabulary is similar and also the rules. So, for a Dutch person it will be easy to learn the German language, and also the other way around. The same goes for an Italian person that wants to learn Spanish. He will find out that a lot of things are the same and will eventually learn the language easily.